Scientific consulting and training

Turn math into profit!

We enable large and small businesses, consulting firms, and academia & research to unleash the power of scientific programming and optimization to gain competitive advantage

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What We Offer

Scientific Consulting & Technical Coaching

Optimization potential assessments

Implement and maintain optimization models

Validating your model

Training on your optimization model

SAP® APO process and algorithm coaching

Training and Seminars

Mathematical programming with GAMS

Solving real-world optimization problems

Scientific Computing

Coding (e.g., Python)

Public, in-house, and live online courses

Science, Research & Development

Hypervelocity impacts

Collision and penetration studies

Computational physics

Artificial intelligence

High-performance computing


Online Course:

Cubic spline interpolation with examples in Python

Spline Course

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Customer Achievements

  • Applied mathematics per se is not industry specific
  • Our business acumen and industry experience turn it into profit for a host of different businesses
  • Industries successfully served in the past include:

Chemicals — Consulting & Professional Services — Energy — High Tech & Semiconductors — Machinery & Construction — Pharmaceuticals — Pulp & Paper — Rail Logistics — Space Agencies — NGOs — Universities

Optimal tower crane locations

Customer: Texas-based construction consultant

Business goal: select optimal crane location(s)

Savings potential: up to 30% crane operating costs

Decision factors (examples):

  • Observe supply and demand points (multiple materials)
  • Select crane configuration(s):
  • Crane operating speeds (horizontal/vertical/rotation)

Energy portfolio planning

Customer: RWE/Innogy, Germany

Business goal: support future corporate strategy

Decision problem:

  • Establish a network-flow model
  • Mulitude of constraints on network flows and knots: cost, capacity, thresholds, etc.

Stochastic electric network optimization

Customer: UK-based consultancy

Business goal: stable network operating modes minimizing cost of fulfilling demand

Decision problem:

  • Generator failure probability
  • Demand uncertainty
  • Scenario analysis

Train network optimization

Customer: European rail cargo logistics provider

Business goal: optimize cargo train operations

Savings potential: up to 30% operating costs

Decision problem:

  • Train cost EUR/km
  • Shunting cost per rail car
  • Observe maximum train length
  • Routing along multiple arcs
  • Implement column generation algorithm
I’d like to thank you for the training course, also on behalf of the project team. It made a strong and good impression on all of us. The abundant information we got leaves us very well positioned for the further course of our project.
M. W.

Host of in-house GAMS optimization course, German energy company

Many thanks for this great course!

Dr. L. C.

Python course participant, Austrian high-tech company

Dr. Maindl provided a lot of cases to help me to understand the new language. The most useful thing is that this course provides not only practical modelling, but also the theoretical background of each model. Because of this, I can apply GAMS to my research well. I really appreciate his lecture.
Dr. J. Shin

Professor, South Korea

I liked the dynamics and the simplicity with which the content was shown.
GAMS course participant

Dominican Republic

The course was really nice and I had opportunity to learn a lot from this. I learned GAMS for the first time in my life and it is a very powerful tool. I am really thankful for the course.
P. Verma

Researcher, IIT, Madras

Also, I attach photo files which are our commemorative photos.

Thanks to you, I learned a lot about GAMS.

Dr. I. K.

GAMS course participant, South Korea

Thank you so much for the great course, the exercises, … It was indeed very nice!
Dr. A. I.

GAMS course participant, Rio de Janeiro

I’d also like to thank you for this course. Both structure and content were outstanding. It is a shame no such course is offered for biologists…

M. K.

Python university course participant, Vienna

Benefit from our unique blend of academic expertise, real-world modeling, and in-depth industry experience

Math for Industry

30+ years designing, developing, and implementing math and advanced planning for various industries in several roles around the globe

Math in Industry

5 years advanced technology & math modeling at a leading chemical corporation

9 years shaping the portfolio of a leading business software provider

Leading-edge Research & Development

11+ years high performance computing

Member of an international team developing a hypervelocity impact & collision code


PhD in Astrophysics, thesis on numerical general relativity summa cum laude

Dozens of peer-reviewed publications

Research and teaching focusing on turning math into profit