Science, Research & Development
Scientific Computing and Computational Physics
Co-developed a smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) hypervelocity impact code featuring full elasto-plastic continuum mechanics and a damage model.
High-performance parallel computing based on NVIDIA® CUDA™.
Applications include hypervelocity impacts and penetration studies. Example peer-reviewed publications:
- Maindl, Schäfer, Speith, Süli, Forgács-Dajka, Dvorak, 2013, SPH-based simulation of multi-material asteroid collisions
- Schäfer, Riecker, Maindl, Speith, Scherrer, Kley, 2016, A smooth particle hydrodynamics code to model collisions between solid, self-gravitating objects
- Schäfer, Wandel, Burger, Maindl, Malamud, Buruchenko, Sfair, Audiffren, Vavilina, Winter, 2020, A versatile smoothed particle hydrodynamics code for graphic cards
Artificial Intelligence
Use of machine learning (neural networks and genetic algorithms) for predicting (numerical) experiment outcome. First peer-reviewed publication:
Sample SPH Simulation
A rocky 1 cm asteroid at a speed of 10 km/s cuts through a 1 cm aluminum spacecraft shielding. For better visibility the actual 3D SPH simulation has been cut in half.
Disclaimer: the methods and codes mentioned in this section are leading-edge and hence of a scientific, experimental nature.
Please reach out to us if you are interested in a project-based engagement.